
What will integration with Mastercard and Visa bring us

What will integration with Mastercard and Visa bring us

Mastercard and Visa are global payment technology companies that provide a platform for consumers, b…

7 Nov, 2022
03:27 min read
The biggest medical data theft cases

The biggest medical data theft cases

Assaults on data on secured networks jeopardize every individual’s privacy, but attacks on medical d…

24 Sep, 2022
09:40 min read
DeHealth DHLT Network Integrates Chainlink Keepers and Price Feeds To Help Power Medical Data-Based App

DeHealth DHLT Network Integrates Chainlink Keepers and Price Feeds To Help Power Medical Data-Based App

We’re excited to announce that DeHealth, a dApp for managing and monetizing anonymized medical data,…

15 Sep, 2022
05:27 min read
DHLT is listed on BitMart

DHLT is listed on BitMart

On September 08, 2022 world’s leading digital asset exchange BitMart started DeHealth native token D…

8 Sep, 2022
39 seconds read
DeHealth App Test Net succeeded

DeHealth App Test Net succeeded

The DeHealth AI & Medical Data Based App to securely and anonymously store, manage and monetize…

8 Sep, 2022
02:10 min read
DeHealth participates in Web Summit 2022

DeHealth participates in Web Summit 2022

Fasten your seat belts, because DeHealth is rushing to incredible off-line presentation of the dApp…

22 Aug, 2022
25 seconds read
Key growth drivers for DHLT
Use cases

Key growth drivers for DHLT

The listing of the DeHealth DHLT native coin is coming soon, on September 08, 2022. And often we…

17 Aug, 2022
02:36 min read
Meet Johan Olsson, new Member of the Advisory Board at DeHealth

Meet Johan Olsson, new Member of the Advisory Board at DeHealth

Johan Olsson is a transaction-driven entrepreneur passionate about innovation-driven life science ve…

16 Aug, 2022
01:43 min read
Interview with DeHealth’s Advisor: Viacheslav Kovalevskiy

Interview with DeHealth’s Advisor: Viacheslav Kovalevskiy

Viacheslav, hello. Please, tell a little bit about yourself to make DeHealth’s commu…

16 Aug, 2022
14:43 min read
While others destroy the world, DeHealth builds it up

While others destroy the world, DeHealth builds it up

Nowadays I feel like a boat in a powerful ocean storm, trying to follow its course no matter what. Ev…

16 Aug, 2022
05:12 min read

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