What matters?
DeHealth advocates for providing people with access to affordable, equitable and essential health care, including systemic education and direct action to remove inequalities and barriers to health care.
This is made possible by providing the entire industry with high-quality, structured medical data, which speeds up the process of drug development, and disease prediction and anticipation.

DeHealth Ecosystem
In order to achieve our ambitious goals, we created the DeHealthMetaHealthmetaverse. By combining all these six areas, you can significantly influence the changes in the healthcare industry.
On the one hand, we need to provide the entire healthcare industry with reliable medical data. On the other, we offer users to securely store, manage and monetize their data and use the possibilities of preventive medicine to improve their quality of life.

Our Technology
DeHealth has created an innovative decentralized storage for health data and digital assets, data oracle protocols, and incentive layers. The DHLT Network is an EVM-based private blockchain with a Proof of Authority (POA) consensus algorithm.
The high-level cybersecurity of the application, and the data contained, is guaranteed by the internal development team and independent experts.
Our Token Holder
With DHLT, the native token that powers the DHLT network, anyone can upload and store their medical data, receive and host digital information, and sell their anonymized data. DHLT tokens are used to pay for services within the DeHealth app, as well as for staking, trading on exchanges or deleting in fiat or crypto.
Our Foundation
The DeHealth Foundation is responsible for allocating resources to important healthcare projects. The universal value of technology means equal access to goods and services and minimizing social and economic gaps between people.
Coming Soon
“Death is my enemy and I want to defeat it with new technologies“
Denys Tsvaig
Co-Founder, CEO & CTO of DeHealth, Tech Entrepreneur,
Blockchain& Web 3.0 Enthusiast

Access to Health as a Global Equity Issue
According to research, due to lack of access to health care, almost six out of ten people around the world do not receive proper health care.
DeHealth aims to eliminate inequality and ensure equal access to healthcare for all people, regardless of country of residence and income level.

DeHealth saved a life. The original story.
«…The doctors didn’t know what was going on, and if it wasn’t for DeHealth, I would have died.»
Denis Kuvaitsev